Start your modelling career
Working with Red Carpet Functions arms you with the right experience and exposure to start your professional modelling career.

Get discovered
We host over 15 performances a year reaching over 10,000 people all over Queensland. Our annual Fashion event attracts 450 fashionistas. We have 1,000s monthly viewers on our online platforms.

Make connections
Make use of our great network of designers, agencies, photographers and event organisers to expand your network. Or just make new like minded friends. Red Carpet Functions has seen many friendships begun.

Build your portfolio
Our photographers and videographers follow us at all our events and organise specific photoshoots. Modelling at our events will get you a polished portfolio in no time.
“Since joining Red Carpet Functions I have made friends from so many different parts of the world, and the experience I gained from the Fashion shows has enabled me to become a published model, millinery designer, and I was recently appointed as Mrs Asia Pacific Universal 2019. I will be competing for the Mrs Universal crown this August in Mexico.
Thank you Red carpet Functions for bringing my best qualities out and helping me reach my full potential.”

Sima Mala