Thank You StudyNet For Being Our Sponsor And Continuously Supporting Us For The Last 2 Years !!

Thank you so much Studynet for once again being one of our MAJOR SPONSOR this year. They have been one of our biggest sponsors from day one. Thank you so much for your trust and courage to help us create this meaningful event to our beautiful Multicultural community.

Studynet is an Education and Migration agent which has been in the industry for nearly 10 years. StudyNet has a head office in Sydney, two Australia-based branches in Brisbane, Melbourne and several partner offices in other countries. StudyNet has successfully helped many student to STUDY, WORK and MIGRATE in Australia.

Their focus is on service quality to ensure that their students’ education journey begins on the right foot and continually receives ongoing support.

Their services include:
👍FREE education counselling for International Students, in and out of Aus

👍Professionally qualified consultants who can meet your needs

👍FREE course enrolment application

👍Full assistance fro student visa application and extension services

👍Visa counselling ( TR, PR, Spouse, Parent, Graduate Work, ENS, RSMS)

👍English proficiency assistance (IELTS, PTE)

👍Support services: Professional Year, NAATI courses, internship opportunities)